
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by Aakar Patel

Is Republic Day truly worth a celebration?

Is Republic Day truly worth a celebration?

Rediff.com19 Jan 2021

Our pledge on this Republic Day must be to use those parts of the Constitution that are still on our side and take back our rights and liberties lawfully from the State, which has usurped them, asserts Aakar Patel.

Is India becoming a failed State?

Is India becoming a failed State?

Rediff.com8 Jan 2021

'It is difficult to see how we will be able to get out of the hole that we have dug ourselves into and are digging deeper into,' notes Aakar Patel.

Why Modi is not good at implementation

Why Modi is not good at implementation

Rediff.com4 Jan 2021

He is not good at thinking through laws and policies. His lockdown produced chaos and misery and didn't stop Covid. His GST finished off thousands of companies and reduced the amount of tax government collects to such an extent that he cannot pay state governments any more, observes Aakar Patel.

The ticking time bombs in the Constitution

The ticking time bombs in the Constitution

Rediff.com31 Dec 2020

The Constitution is a terrific document, but it is also one that has suppressed the Hindu majoritarian sentiment. We are living through times when this suppression is being popularly rejected, notes Aakar Patel.

Does Modi want small companies to fail?

Does Modi want small companies to fail?

Rediff.com18 Dec 2020

India has too many small companies and this is inefficient. It should instead have only a handful of very large players running its economy and these giants can then compete with the world, observes Aakar Patel.

Govt has used all its tricks on the farmers

Govt has used all its tricks on the farmers

Rediff.com11 Dec 2020

Their demands will be met of course, and this government will move on to the next great idea, without an apology or an explanation, predicts Aakar Patel.

Why a sense of dread and fear prevails in India

Why a sense of dread and fear prevails in India

Rediff.com4 Dec 2020

The standard line that is used for anyone -- academics, minorities, farmers, dissident industrialists -- who points out that what the government is doing is wrong is being anti-national and separatists, reveals Aakar Patel.

Is India taking COVID-19 seriously?

Is India taking COVID-19 seriously?

Rediff.com25 Nov 2020

We have no standard processes in place to address the more serious public health hazard of our lifetime, observes Aakar Patel.

Why does Modi want more power?

Why does Modi want more power?

Rediff.com20 Nov 2020

Power is held to effect change. Modi has shown himself incapable of affecting it in the positive sense. On the economy, on the border, on employment, on the epidemic, observes Aakar Patel.

Will Kamala Harris spell trouble for India?

Will Kamala Harris spell trouble for India?

Rediff.com11 Nov 2020

Events in America have strengthened the hand of those leaders there who wish India well, but think of India as being a collection of Indians.
If Indians are mistreated, they will object, asserts Aakar Patel.

Can we believe Modi on Covid or economy?

Can we believe Modi on Covid or economy?

Rediff.com2 Nov 2020

It is hard to tell whether the prime minister is unable to confront the reality or so supremely confident in his abilities that he can convince the rest of us that the reality is different from our perception of it, observes Aakar Patel.

What Election Commission can learn from US

What Election Commission can learn from US

Rediff.com31 Oct 2020

India needs to examine some way in which, assuming that there is either no vaccine or a delay in administering it to everyone, voting can be made safer, notes Aakar Patel.

Modiji, whatever happened to competing with China?

Modiji, whatever happened to competing with China?

Rediff.com23 Oct 2020

Now we must first compete with Bangladesh. This is not what we had been promised, notes Aakar Patel.

Does Modi want to FIX the Economy?

Does Modi want to FIX the Economy?

Rediff.com17 Oct 2020

The problem is major, and the problem affects hundreds of millions of people. Ignoring it must have a sound reason. Ignoring it must in some way be more important than addressing it, notes Aakar Patel.

When will India become a rule of law nation?

When will India become a rule of law nation?

Rediff.com7 Oct 2020

The expectation is that the government will not abuse its authority and that a political party not misuse the State. What we are seeing today is the clear evidence that this is not enough, argues Aakar Patel.

Why every Indian should be worried

Why every Indian should be worried

Rediff.com24 Sep 2020

Even with more power against the individual than any other modern democratic nation, the Indian government seeks more. Such laws do not exist elsewhere in the civilised world, observes Aakar Patel.

If Jaishankar's diagnosis is correct, what stops him from correcting it?

If Jaishankar's diagnosis is correct, what stops him from correcting it?

Rediff.com14 Sep 2020

'What Jaishankar says is simplistic.' 'The past does not matter that much.' 'If we think that it does it is because we are not good enough at running the nation competently today and are searching for excuses why,' argues Aakar Patel.

Ladakh crisis: Why doesn't Modi speak to Xi?

Ladakh crisis: Why doesn't Modi speak to Xi?

Rediff.com7 Sep 2020

'It is astonishing that such a serious issue be handled in so casual and cavalier a fashion, but this has become what is expected of this government,' observes Aakar Patel.

Why the lockdown has failed in India

Why the lockdown has failed in India

Rediff.com31 Aug 2020

'India is the only large nation along with Argentina whose numbers have continuously and without a break risen from March,' observes Aakar Patel.

Is Sushant's death more important than India's crises?

Is Sushant's death more important than India's crises?

Rediff.com26 Aug 2020

'I cannot remember a time in my life when we had such economic strife, such levels of unemployment, a national epidemic and the enemy inside our house and such little interest in these and a focus on Bollywood and temples and such things,' notes Aakar Patel.

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